Through Walls Participant, CCH 2018

The most surprising part to me was witnessing the strong and independent spirit of the Egyptian women. In America there are so many stereotypes about Muslim countries and their politics towards women. Meeting Egyptian women who call themselves feminists and choose not to wear the hijab despite mainstream influences. I found this intriguing and captivating, knowing that the women there have such diverse mindsets and choose what works for them.

Global Threads Partner Organization, CCH 2018

Cultural heritage preservation…gives us the sense of where we were, and gives the sense of belonging and identity…This exchange program helped me to professionally see the practical approach on how different NGOs tackle the issues both of tangible and intangible heritage and I got really good ideas what we could do in Serbia based on the American model.

Saving What Matters Participant, CCH 2018

We can learn from the past in order to enrich our present and future lives. In particular, cultural heritage preservation can help keep traditions, skills, and creative knowledge alive. The exchange program left me more committed to trying to get others to see the importance of learning about their own culture and those of others.